Gaining Mass

Insane Bulking: Celebrity Body Transformations

Celebrity body transformations can be a great motivator when you are on your mass gaining journey. Seeing a person so publicly and dramatically change their body can help you light a fire to accomplish the same.

In the end, your journey is yours, but there’s nothing wrong with finding someone to look up to or learn from along the way.

Let’s dig into a couple of famous celebrity body transformations to see what we can learn and understand about their individual journies.

For this, I’m focused on actors, not athletes. In most cases, actors will experience intense transformations on a very short timeline to prepare for film roles. It’s a very interesting thing to learn from, because they don’t have the option to fail. Not gaining mass when they need to film a project can be a financially devastating.

Let’s get started.

Christian Bale – skinny machinist transforms to built Batman

Christian Bale had one of the most celebrated celebrity body transformations. His dramatic change was well covered, and for great reason.

His physique completely changed from his role in The Machinist, as an emaciated character to his role in Batman Begins, where he had a literal superhero body.

What is insane is that he had only about six months to bulk up for Batman after he lost 60 pounds for his role in The Machinist. Of course, he couldn’t waste any time, so he got right to work with a caloric surplus. He actually gained about 20 pounds more than he needed, and cut that to achieve his final toned look.

Check out the interview linked in the paragraph above. Bale hits on several topics that are discussed on this site, including how important it was to his progress to build muscle without weights. He also talks specifically about caloric surplus and the importance of eating to build muscle.

The fundamentals of gaining mass never change, even if you are a celebrity.

Kumail Nanjiani – lean bulk transformation

Known for his comedy, there is nothing funny about Kumail Nanjiani’s insane gains. All of these celebrity body transformations are awe inspiring, but Nanjiani’s in particular is no joke. Ok, I’ll stop with the puns.

When he was asked to take on a role in the superhero movie, Eternals, he decided to hit his body hard to best play the new role. Nanjiani went from 150 pounds to about 175 pounds in ten months. However, what turbo charged his new look was his body fat percentage dropped from about 20% to 10%. This resulted in a very shredded physique that can make anyone envious.

He was able to dedicate a ton of time to his meals and training, and worked with a top Hollywood personal trainer.

His trainer had a unique perspective on how he was able to help Nanjiani build muscle while working toward a lean build over time. He actually prescribes a higher percentage of calories from fat than you would expect when trying to build lean.

One interesting comment that Nanjiani made during an interview was that he wished that he could save his progress like a video game. Now that he has such a killer physique, he wishes there was a way to lock this in and never lose the level he achieved, but he knows that it is only possible with consistency. He brings up a great point, because that level of fitness is not a short term fix. This is a lifestyle.

Tom Hardy – thin to bulky Bane transformation

To play Bane, a supervillain who fights Batman, Tom Hardy added 30 pounds of pure muscle very quickly. He, like Christian Bale, has also made a name for himself as someone who is not afraid of celebrity body transformations for the right role.

Hardy bulked up for his role as Bronson and also as Bane.

His workout routine was no joke, but he attributes most of his physique as Bane to his diet. Again, the theme to gain mass quickly is to be in caloric surplus. That’s exactly what he did. Hardy would later state that he ate very unhealthy and feels that it took a toll on his body. This is why I don’t recommend a dirty bulk to anyone.

Honorable mentions- celebrity body transformations

If you are looking for a few more examples of celebrities who morphed from skinny to bulky, here are a couple more to look into.

Aamir Khan, who is an actor in Indian movies bulked up from around 150 pounds to 210 pounds for his role in a movie about wrestling. What’s very interesting about his transformation in particular is that he first intentionally put on a lot of fat, so that he could play the role of an overweight former wrestler. Then, he cut that weight and focused on building a muscular physique for another part of the story.

This example again highlights that caloric surplus is the only way for a skinny person to gain weight. If you want to be bigger, eat! Also, it shows that bulking and cutting is often the quickest path to overall gains.

Hugh Jackman’s consistent progress from skinny actor to Wolverine is a fantastic and really inspiring story. He actually continues to get even more ripped every time he reclaims his role.

The final honorable mention is for Gerard Butler, and all of the actors who played Spartan soldiers in 300. The had 30 days to train and get ready for filming. They followed an intense Gym Jones workout that focused less on traditional weights, and more on imitating natural movements to build the type of physique that was realistic for soldiers in Greece long ago.

Are celebrity body transformations realistic?

Celebrity body transformations can be inspiring, but also daunting.
Photo by Pikx By Panther on

Whether these type of transformations are actually possible for average people is a constant debate. It often feels like a famous actor has a huge advantage. With the fame, money, and backing of large studios that supply food and personal trainers, there doesn’t seem to be a way for normal people to experience similar results.

It is true, that in many cases, celebrities have time and resources on their side.

However, it’s still very possible to gain mass quickly if you just follow the basic principles.

Use these celebrity body transformations as motivation to keep you going on your path to gains. Do not let their success bring you down. You can achieve these results too.

Even if you didn’t exactly copy a 50 pound bulk in a few months, what could an additional 15 pounds mean to you? Don’t focus on the big end result, but instead enjoy the process and progress along the way.

The most important thing is to get started, and in a short time you’ll look back and appreciate how far you’ve already come.

Thoughts or questions? Let me know in the comments! 

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