About Skinny Gainz

My Story- Stick Skinny to Muscle

I was over 6 feet tall and 152 lbs. In 4.5 months I was 186 lbs. Same height, of course. I want to help skinny people who are committed to gaining muscle.

Quickly, I got up to 204 lbs and felt like a beast.

Even as a naturally skinny guy, I packed on 34 pounds in less than 5 months, and continued from there. I want to help skinny people committed to gaining muscle by boiling down years of research, many trials, and many errors along the way into tangible steps. Learn from my mistakes and discoveries to shortcut your path to gainz!

All of my life, I was the bony, scrawny, skinny, weak, you name it guy. Suddenly, I received compliments on my physique on the regular. “Popeye arms”, “cannons in your sleeves”, “back muscles ripping through your shirt”…

As a fellow skinny person, you can imagine how amazing that felt.

guy gaining muscle
Photo by Pikx By Panther on Pexels.com

Why I Write About Gaining Muscle

Long ago, I started my muscle building journey when I landed on this website: https://www.t-nation.com/workouts/optimized-volume-training/. It was my introduction to the type of focused training needed for skinny guy to gain muscle. Eventually, I broke from the path described in that article, but I have to credit it as foundational for me.

Many people have asked me for advice over the years, which made me realize, there are a ton of skinny people out there combing through a million websites and watching a ton of videos trying to gain muscle, just like me. Sadly, there’s a lot of bad advice out there, and a ton of ways to spend years without gains. Many influencers claim to be former skinny guys that got jacked. In reality, they didn’t start off where we did. A lot of the advice to gain mass is really just strength training or general lifting with the words “gaining muscle” thrown in. Most of the fitness world focuses on losing weight, which excludes us skinny folks.

I’m excited to share what I’ve learned, and get you on your path to gains quickly. No BS. No fluff.

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