
Hit the Romanian Deadlift with Dumbbells for Huge Growth

The Romanian deadlift with dumbbells is a great way for people without access to a bar to still get the benefits of a killer exercise to build muscle mass. Even if you have a bar, using dumbbells helps to ensure that you develop both sides of your body evenly.

Deadlifts are a must have exercise in your routine if you want to pack on serious muscle. The Romanian deadlift is a great variation that is wonderful for skinny people who want to add size quickly.

Keep reading to learn more about the Romanian deadlift with dumbbells and how to perform it properly.

The Romanian deadlift with dumbbells is a great alternative to using a bar or the traditional deadlift.
Photo by cottonbro studio on

Romanian deadlift with dumbbells targets the posterior chain

Skinny people trying to add muscle quickly can never neglect their legs and back. Biceps and chest might be the show off muscles everyone thinks of, but hitting your posterior chain will fill you out very fast. This includes several large muscle groups, including the hamstrings, glutes, and lower back.

This type of compound exercise is exactly what you need when size and muscle mass are your priorities. Compound exercises are more efficient by recruiting multiple muscles, and they more closely mirror real scenarios outside of the gym where you will pick up boxes, run, or jump.

Performing the Romanian deadlift with dumbbells

Whether you use dumbbells or a barbell the steps to perform the Romanian deadlift are very similar. The set up will differ slightly from a Romanian deadlift using a barbell, but the foundations are the same.

Setting up for a Romanian deadlift with dumbbells

  1. Place the dumbells on the ground, with the centers about shoulder width apart. They should be parallel to your body. You’re going to hold them like a reverse bicep curl, not a hammer curl.
  2. Stand upright with good posture with your feet about hip width apart. Shoulder width is probably slightly too wide for this, but find your comfort zone. Every body is different. One thing I like to do to figure out the right distance between my feet is to set up as if I’m going to jump. Where you naturally place your feet to jump is likely the best position for you.
  3. Keep your toes pointing straight ahead. Pointing your toes slightly outward is acceptable. However, the more you point outward, the more you will target areas along your inner thigh. Pointing toes forward helps to target the entire hamstring evenly.
  4. The Romanian deadlift starts in the standing position, with you holding the weight in front of your legs. So, to set up, you have to deadlift the dumbbells off of the ground. Remember to keep the weight close to your legs at all times.
  5. Although you might hear that it’s important to grip the dumbbells tight, that actually places too much emphasis on your forearms. Instead, think of your hands as hooks to securely move the weight, but don’t focus on squeezing the handle.
  6. Your hands should be shoulder width apart. The dumbbells should be in front of your thighs.
  7. Ensure you have a slight bend to your knee. You will not fully lock out your legs.
  8. Roll your shoulder blades back and keep your chest up. Your lower back should be straight or have a slight arch. Do not allow your lower back to be round or hunch over.
When doing the Romanian deadlift with dumbbells, don't squeeze. the bar with your hands, but think of your hands as hooks instead.
Photo by Julia Larson on

Performing the lift

  1. Keep your breathing calm and controlled. I like to inhale and brace my core for the eccentric portion, and breath out for the concentric part.
  2. Lower the dumbbells to the floor by moving your hips back and naturally dropping your torso to the floor.
  3. The whole point of the Romanian deadlift with dumbbells is to target your hamstrings. To do that, you need to feel a stretch in your hamstrings. You are not simply bending at the waist to bring the weight down. Focus on pressing your hips backwards until you can’t stretch anymore.
  4. Keep the dumbbells close to your legs and allow them to slide down the front of your legs. It is not necessary to get the weights all the way to the floor. In fact, do not go further than you can without losing your straight or slightly arched back. If your back starts to round, you are leaning forward too far. This will likely be shin level for most people.
  5. Now, reverse the motion and thrust your hips forward back into your standing position. Again, don’t focus on lifting your torso. Instead focus on moving your hips until your torso straightens out and you are at the starting position again.

Quick safety check for the Romanian deadlift with dumbbells

There are a few safety items to consider for this exercise. Although it’s a great move for anyone looking for mass, an injury from any type of deadlift can really set your progress to the side for a long time.

  • Do not allow your back to become round. That is a dangerous position, especially when lifting heavy weights.
  • Use proper equipment at all times. This includes…
    • Chalk for grip if needed
    • Weight lifting belt
    • Flat shoes
    • Straps to lift the weight if needed

Mix the Romanian deadlift with dumbbells into your routine with squats, and you’ll build impressive legs in no time. If you want a different variation, try incorporating bands instead of dumbbells when doing the Romanian deadlift.

Thoughts or questions? Let me know in the comments.

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